Donal Moran BA Costs Lawyer & Accredited Civil & Commercial MediatorDonal has been in practice in costs for over 25 years. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Legal & Business Studies. He commenced his legal career as Costs Auditing PLC, representing the interests of several large insurance clients. Thereafter, he gained considerable experience working for national firms, Russell Jones & Walker and Lyons Davidson solicitors. He has amassed extensive practical experience representing the claimant and defendant sides in several civil and commercial litigation arenas. He is also a former all-Ireland schools quiz champion.

Rezina Moran Bsc ACCA Rezina studied physics at King’s College London and has extensive experience working in banking and the private and public health sectors. She is also a qualified Chartered Accountant.

Ala Anvari (Consultant) Ala holds a Masters in Intellectual Property Law from Queen Mary University London and has a BSc in Computer Science from University College London.